"Oh, yes, and I almost forgot...
...you will meet Gareth in six months. She is being 'prepared'. Until then, we've decided to send you to the Academy for Silly, Stupid, Horrible Alligators and Terrapins (A.S.S.H.A.T.). My cousin, Daisy, is instructing there. He's a brilliant minesweeper. So talented, he doesn't even need flags. That'll come in handy for when you meet Gareth, as especially since she's always followed around by those grey blocks that explode when you touch the wrong one."
Ernest giggled. (Which is a strange thing to see. You see it is hard to tell what emotion a dustcloud is feeling. If it is happy, it looks dusty. If it is angry, it looks dusty. In fact, the only way we know that Ernest giggled is that when it did anything, it would comment. In this case, when Ernest giggled, it actually said, "Giggle". [Which is such a strange word. Seriously. Try saying it 30 times really fast. You'll never want to use it again.] It is for this reason, that it was uncomfortable to be around Ernest when it said, "Crap". All people could see was the dustcloud growing bigger. )
Orlando stood up quickly in protest of being sent to A.S.S.H.A.T., but banged his head on the curved roof of the watermelon house. As a shower of watermelon seeds rained upon him, the world went aqua, because that's what colour Orlando saw when he 'blacked' or 'aquaed' out.
Several hours later, he awoke to see...
Ernest giggled. (Which is a strange thing to see. You see it is hard to tell what emotion a dustcloud is feeling. If it is happy, it looks dusty. If it is angry, it looks dusty. In fact, the only way we know that Ernest giggled is that when it did anything, it would comment. In this case, when Ernest giggled, it actually said, "Giggle". [Which is such a strange word. Seriously. Try saying it 30 times really fast. You'll never want to use it again.] It is for this reason, that it was uncomfortable to be around Ernest when it said, "Crap". All people could see was the dustcloud growing bigger. )
Orlando stood up quickly in protest of being sent to A.S.S.H.A.T., but banged his head on the curved roof of the watermelon house. As a shower of watermelon seeds rained upon him, the world went aqua, because that's what colour Orlando saw when he 'blacked' or 'aquaed' out.
Several hours later, he awoke to see...